The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋床的世界,1.32 盎司(37.5 克)
或許大家都聽過The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋,1.32 盎司(37.5 克),但印象中The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋,1.32 盎司(37.5 克)平時是不打折的,但是今天告訴你買The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋,1.32 盎司(37.5 克)到這裡買,可以使用折價券買The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋,1.32 盎司(37.5 克),而且宅配到府完全不用搬The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋,1.32 盎司(37.5 克),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

如果你還在考慮The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋,1.32 盎司(37.5 克)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Organic, Natural, Pure Teas
- Black Tea- High Caffeine
- Old Growth Tea Forest, Vietnam
- Palate: Dry, Robust
- Aroma: Hibiscus, Woody
- Season: Summer
- Origin: Ha Ging, Vietnam
- USDA Organic
- Certified Organic by QAI床的世界
- Biodegradable
Veerinder S. Chawla - Founder + Tea Lover
Love. Giving it and getting it is a gift. I do this work with love. The people who have supported my company and me over the years, and the people whom I have had the fortune to serve, deserve any and all credit of this craft you hold in your hand.
Generation craft must be preserved and "Old-style" tea making supported, so that the next generation can embrace the core values, including love. I will pass on my craft to my two young children who have the gift of my endearing love.
Form a small tea farmers cooperative in Northern Vietnam. Harvested from old growth tea髮旺旺 trees with limited production.
Palate & Aroma
Full-bodied robust, amber-red brew with classic woodiness, mild dryness and an aroma similar to hibiscus.
Old-Style Craft
Caring for the old growth tea trees is a generational craft within small communities.
Use filtered water at 200床的世界o F and steep for three minutes or to taste.
髮旺旺The Tao of Tea, 有機野生紅茶,15 袋,1.32 盎司(37.5 克)